Query Metrics

2 Database Queries
2 Different statements
15.88 ms Query time
1 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 14.41 ms
SELECT s0_.Id AS Id_0, AS name_1, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_2, s0_.mollie_test AS mollie_test_3, s0_.url AS url_4, s0_.aliases AS aliases_5, s0_.template_folder AS template_folder_6, AS email_7, s0_.email_bcc AS email_bcc_8, s0_.filter_by_venue AS filter_by_venue_9, s0_.master_site AS master_site_10, s0_.sendy_brand AS sendy_brand_11, s0_.advertising_brand AS advertising_brand_12, s0_.date_created AS date_created_13, s0_.date_updated AS date_updated_14, s0_.LocationId AS LocationId_15, s0_.ListId AS ListId_16 FROM sites s0_ WHERE s0_.url = ?
2 1.47 ms
SELECT e0_.Id AS Id_0, e0_.slug AS slug_1, e0_.icon AS icon_2, e0_.social_link AS social_link_3, e0_.artist_name AS artist_name_4, e0_.age_group AS age_group_5, e0_.tier AS tier_6, e0_.advertising AS advertising_7, e0_.max_sales AS max_sales_8, e0_.current_sales AS current_sales_9, e0_.created_at AS created_at_10, e0_.updated_at AS updated_at_11, e0_.project AS project_12, e0_.conference AS conference_13, e0_.multi_day AS multi_day_14, e0_.private_event AS private_event_15, e1_.Id AS Id_16, e1_.date_start AS date_start_17, e1_.date_end AS date_end_18, e1_.hidden AS hidden_19, e1_.hidden_calendar AS hidden_calendar_20, e1_.soldout AS soldout_21, e1_.places_active AS places_active_22, e1_.type AS type_23, e1_.project_type AS project_type_24, e1_.max_sales AS max_sales_25, e2_.Id AS Id_26, e2_.title AS title_27, e2_.short_description AS short_description_28, e2_.description AS description_29, e2_.special_title AS special_title_30, s3_.Id AS Id_31, s3_.position AS position_32, e1_.EventId AS EventId_33, e1_.LocationId AS LocationId_34, e2_.LanguageId AS LanguageId_35, e2_.EventsId AS EventsId_36, s3_.EventsId AS EventsId_37, s3_.SitesId AS SitesId_38 FROM events e0_ LEFT JOIN event_dates e1_ ON e0_.Id = e1_.EventId LEFT JOIN event_description e2_ ON e0_.Id = e2_.EventsId LEFT JOIN sites_to_events s3_ ON e0_.Id = s3_.EventsId WHERE (e1_.date_start >= ? AND s3_.SitesId = ?) AND ((e1_.date_start >= ? AND s3_.SitesId = ?)) AND (e0_.project = 1) ORDER BY e1_.date_start DESC, e2_.title ASC
  "2024-10-06 00:00:00"
  "2024-10-06 00:00:00"

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
  • The association App\Entity\Sites#user refers to the inverse side field App\Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User#sites which does not exist.
App\Entity\Locations No errors.
App\Entity\NewsletterLists No errors.
App\Entity\Events No errors.
App\Entity\EventDates No errors.
App\Entity\EventDescription No errors.
App\Entity\SitesToEvents No errors.
App\Entity\Language No errors.